Monday, December 10, 2007
beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mendengar seorang teman saya memberitahukan bagaimana ia setiap pagi bangun untuk berdoa selama dua jam setiap hari. pikiran pertama saya ialah, saya tidak pernah bagun sepagi itu dan saya tidak pernah berdoa hingga dua jam setiap hari. semakin saya memikirkannya, perasaan saya semakin buruk.
akhirnya saya dapat mengendalikan perasaan saya dan berkata " itu bagus baginya, tetapi syukur kepada Tuhan itu tidak bagus bagi diriku". aku akan berlalri dalam perlombaan aku sendiri, dan aku tidak akan merasa buruk tentang diriku hanya karena aku tidak melakukan apa yang ia lakukan."
jangan mengira bahwa anda harus menyesuaikan diri dengan keinginan orang lain, demikian juga, jangan marah saat orang -orang lain tidak sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
hanya karena sesuatu berhasil bagi orang lain tidak berarti itu akan berhasil bagi anda, dan sebaliknya, saat sesuatu berhasil bagi anda, bukan berarti itu berhasil bagi orang lain.
jadilah diri anda sendiri, jadilah yang terbaik semampu anda, jangan biarkan orang lain mendikte anda,dan jangan buat orang lain menjadi diri anda, karena BEDA ITU BIASA, dan TUHAN suka keragaman.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Tahukah saudara bahwa akar dari banyak masalah sosial, jasmani dan emosional hanyalah kenyataan bahwa seorang tidak menyukai dirinya sendiri. Mereka selalu membandingkan diri sendiri dengan orang lain, dengan mengharapkan mereka adalah sesuatu yang berbeda. ” jika saja aku mempunyai kepribadiannya..”, “jika saja aku memiliki wajah seperti dia..” dan lain sebagainya.
TIDAK, anda dapat berbahagia sebagaimana anda ada, dan berhenti mengharapkan anda sebagai sesuatu yang berbeda. Jika Tuhan ingin anda kelihatan seperti seorang model, bintang film, atlet terkenal, atau siapapun, Ia pasti menciptakan anda seperti mereka. Jangan membandingkan diri anda dengan orang lain, belajarlah bahagia sebagaimana yang telah Tuhan ciptakan
Tuhan tidak ingin sekelompok klon, Ia menyukai keragaman, dan anda tidak seharusnya mengizinkan orang lain, media, atau apapun juga menekan anda atau membuat anda merasa buruk tentang diri anda sendiri karena anda tidak sesuai dengan citra mereka tentang siapa sebenarnya anda.
Jadilah yang asli, jangan tiruan, jangan takut berbeda, anda harus merasa aman dengan diri anda sendiri. Tentu saja anda tetap harus terbuka terhadap nasihat yang bijaksana, namun jadilah diri anda sendiri. Feel free untuk menyisir model rambut anda, memilih pakaian untuk dikenakan, makanan apa yang anda pilih, atau bagaimana anda harus berdoa.
Be Happy, Be free, Be Original
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Stop Global Warming
Dear friend,
Did you feel the earth is getting hot each day? Tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, flood and another disaster is happen is more often than before? Climate and season become uncertain?
This is happen because global warming, air pollution from our vehicle, or industries and other.
The earth getting old and hot, and not become a comfort place to stay again.
We must start to use a friendly fuel, convert to public or non-fuel transportation such as bicycle, start bring our own bag or plastic bag when shopping, use non organic food, save the energy (electric for examp).
We also need to push our government to make some policy and real action to save the earth. (push US & Ausie gov to sign
Lets pray that UNFCCC in Bali-Indonesia (3 dec 07- 14 dec 07) bring a fresh hope for our earth.
1 desember di peringati sebagai hari AIDS internasional, berbagai demo, aksi dilakukan dalam rangka memperingati hari ini. Namun saya ingin mengajak anda melihat lebih dalam ttg AIDS
Diperkirakan 33,2 juta orang hidup dengan AIDS, dan telah membunuh lebih dari 25 juta orang sejak ditemukannya pada tahun 1981. 15-29 adalah usia penderita AIDS terbesar, dengan 62% penularan melalui jarum suntik. survei Media Indonesia menunjukan, para penguna Narkoba biasanya terjadi karena mereka memiliki hubungan yang buruk dengan keluarga dan orang tua mereka.
Mengetahui hal ini, saat ini sebaiknya kita fokus terhadap keluarga kita, kepada anak, kakak, adik, dan saudara kita. Kini saatnya kita mulai menunjukan perhatian dan kasih yang tulus terhadap mereka.
Para orang tua,
Kadang anda salah mengerti, anda berfikir dengan mencukupi materi akan membuat anak dan keluarga anda bahagia. Hal ini tidak sepenuhnya benar. Namun anak anda butuh anda dan perhatian anda lebih dari apapun. Saya teringat film CLICK yang dibintangi Adam Sandler, suatu film yg sangat bagus yang menunjukan betapa pentingnya keluarga, saya sarankan anda untuk menontonnya jika ada waktu.
Ok friends,
Saatnya stop AIDS, stop Drugs mulai dari keluarga kita masing-masing, saya percaya jika setiap rumah mulai mau peduli terhadap keluarga, AIDS dan narkoba akan jauh-jauh turun
God bless
1 December is remember as an international AIDS day, many demonstration, action is dones to remember this day. But lets see deeper behind the AIDS.
33,2 Million people is estimated infected by AIDS and killed more than 25 million people since 1981. More than 62% case is happen because unsterile drug injection. With 15-29 age range.
Survey in
I think now is the time we focused our attention to our family, our son n daughter, our brother n sister, our cousin n nephew. Show more pure attention and love.
Sometimes you misunderstood, you think by providing enough money, you think you will makes your son is happy. This is not right, they need you and your attention more than anything. I was remember CLICK, a movie by Adam Sandler, a movie with a clear message that family is the most important. I suggest you to watch it sometimes.
Dear friends,
Now is the time to stop AIDS, stop Drugs start from our own family, if every house do this, I have faith that AIDS and Drugs will be just a history.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Simply Happy
Recently there is much books about success, getting rich, etc. i think everyone loves to get rich, having much money, but the question is, do we really need it?
fist of all we must remember there is no one is the riches on graveyard, we can't bring all the money we have to the grave. the second is, a famous Indonesia Actor, Ari Wibowo, was said "NOTHING ON THE TOP". Ari Wibowo have already reach all thing, he is rich, famous, super star, but the message is clear " there is no thing on the top", you may reach anything, u may dream, and doing any effort to achieve it, but after you get it, there is nothing is left. nothing on the top.
i was remember, a year ago, i dream to have a Nokia 9300 cellphone, a month latter i brought it. but now the new communicator series is arrive, Nokia E90. i just want to say, do not follow our lust, because it can't satisfied, once we satisfied our desire, the next thing will come, we became slave our own desire. do not satisfied what can't be satisfied
what is the use of money, when we after it we get sick? our family became forgotten?
but how we can simply happy?
1. dear friends, family is our treasure, as a parents we have duty to teach our son in the right way. many parents work to much, they get wrong when they think money can make they son is happy. our child need our love and time more than money.
2. to be simply happy, we need to manage our expanses, we must stop our expanses that we don't need. for exp : tv cable, sport ticket and others. manage your money, first thing first. we don't get our money easily, so don't spend it easily.
3. avoid to have thing by credit, buy cash, don't be hurry, just be patient, when you do this, u have been avoid from a big credit interest.
4. branded thing, do we need it? do we buy clothes, pants because its brand or its quality? for your information, you can save a lot of money when u chose to buy a non branded thing that branded one, with the same quality.
5. be happy just as you are, with all you have. be thankful,be satisfied on what you have. there is a great power, great peace when we have this attitude. as long as we have a place to sleep, a clothes to wear, a food to eat, please realized that we are richer than half of the people on earth.
6. saving. please try to save 15-20% each month. savings is important for future. after years and years you will be amaze with all you got. the best time to start it is NOW.
7. happiness will be never full until we share it. so to fulfill your happiness, we must start to share what we have with other. we only live once, don't waste it, do something useful for others, start with your smile even with someone you don't know, your time and your money. dear friends, when we start giving our money to the needy, thats is the time we declare we are rich, because we can give. and i think GOD will loves it, and HE will bless you abundantly.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Missionary Eyes
To see the lost and dying,
To see their pain and crying.
Lord, give me missionary eyes.
Lord, give me missionary hands
To selflessly serve in any way I can.
Knowing that my reward will be
eternity spent next to Thee.
Lord, give me missionary hands.
Lord, give me missionary feet
to take your precious gospel down the street
to those who need to hear today,
to those who need to know the Way.
Lord, give me missionary feet.
Lord, give me missionary zeal
for there's a dying world that needs
to feel that someone cares about their soul,
Loosen my tongue, Lord, make me bold.
Lord give me missionary zeal.
Lord, give me missionary eyes
to see the lost and dying,
To see their pain and crying.
Lord, give me missionary eyes.
~Author Wayne Talley ~
Thursday, June 7, 2007
how we can help prevent Global warming
do you realize or not, global warming is threatening our earth. the earth is getting hot and hotter. the sun is burn our skin like never before, the air is getting pollute everyday. the earth became worst place to stay.
we can reverse our time to the past, and fix the wrong thing in the past, but we are live now in the present, we can do couple simple thing and makes big difference in the future.
how to help :
1. start using public transportation or bicycle rather than private car or motor bike.
2. save the electric, turn off tv before u get sleep, turn off air conditioner, turn of the lamp when it not used again.
3. plant 1 tree and take care of it. if every people on this planet do this, we can makes our planet green again, all destroyed jungle because illegal logging will be recover.
4. stop producing waste. start using recycle product, bring your own plastic bag when shopping, save the paper, don't print unnecessary document, so we can also save our forest by doing that.
so guys, let do it now, save our lovely planet.
Friday, April 20, 2007
good bye grandma
all big family in great sorrow, but i not to write about it, but what grand ma has been left for us, her son/doughter, and grandchilds. a beautifull spiritual inheritance.
grand ma is a figure of an excellent Christ follower, so humble and so faithfull. from year to year untill her day, she allways pray every mornin & night, read 1-3 chapter from bible everyday, and never miss go church not only every sunday, but tuesday (pray & fast devotion) and saturday (women service), except when she get sick.
at her age, her vision is hazy, but never makes her to stop read bible. she always ask me to buy her anew glasses but i hvn't buy a new one for her. she read bible very near to her eyes.
grandma also very deligent go to church, usually she go with my aunt, but some times when her daughter unable to go with her, she go alone to churh, with high dificulty she go to church, she walk very slow, groping the walls to go to church.
and the last
she never forget to pray for every son, daughters grandhild, great-grandchild every day and night, wish us to safe, success in all we do.
i love u, grand ma, i know u already peace in Father's house, please keep pray for us, pray that all we can follow ur faithfullness
good bye grand ma